[Vwdiesel] Advice

E. J. Gilbert gilbeej at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 10 06:28:22 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Hi Gang,

I have purchased a 1983 Jetta turbo diesel with a blown head gasket.  Proba=
bly overheated so rings must be replaced, and head attended to.  The proble=
m is that the car is near Denver and I am in Houston.  The car must be pick=
ed up by the end of March as the seller is moving then.  The choices that I=
 currently have are: 1. Commercial Transport - $700, 2.  Finding someone wh=
o would be willing to tow it -$?, or finding a reliable independent mechani=
c in the Denver area who would be willing to take on the project of getting=
 the car ready to drive to Houston. I would rather spend the $'s on fixing =
the car rather than on transportation. Does anyone know of such a mechanic =
in the Denver area?

Thanks, E.J.

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