[Vwdiesel] Glowplugs with a "GAP" like a sparkplug ????.

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Feb 10 08:03:25 EST 2003

Dana Morphew wrote:
> I've never seen a gap to check/set and have never read or heard that there was one.
>   The Chilton's is wrong.  The glows get hot because of a large resistance.
> Dana
> > Hows about that one Charlie Brown ??(Roger Brown) Just as I thought I had the glowplugs down pad--then this.
> > I am quoting chilton's  Manual # 7917.      Glowplugs have a built in gap that prevents them from burning out .WOW am I ignorant or what ?.
> > Someone please explain abut the GAP.      Hagar.

Perhaps its a reference to the internal insulation gap that isolates the tip from a direct ground (or power) connection.
Resistance is on the order of 1 ohm.

Of course anything in a Chiltons (or Haynes) manual would be somewhat suspect :)


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