[Vwdiesel] fuel prices

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Mon Feb 10 18:50:11 EST 2003

    They've jumped here in central Illinois recently, too.  Today on the way
home, one station had Diesel @ $1.79, the one across the street a dime
cheaper. It was $1.59 two weeks ago.
    The jump seems to be due to a number of factors.  Some areas are
experiencing a colder winter, which diverts some production to home heating
oil.  The situations in Venezuela and the Mideast seem to have generated the
greater apprehension in the markets, though.
    The Venezuelan situation is difficult to decipher, due to polarity of
opinions.  The effect, though, is that the past few US administrations had
counted on reliable Venezuelan supplies should imports from the Mideast be
disrupted.  With the Venezuelan industry now in a state of flux, the
uncertainty is increased, leading to higher prices.
    Scott Kair

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