[Vwdiesel] Some info on 1Y engine from passat

dieseltdi at earthlink.net dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 16 14:54:37 EST 2003

OK, I have a line on a 1Y engine from a 96 Passat Wagon.  In fact, had I
gotten to the junk yard a few days earlier, I might have gotten the whole
car that was just lightly damaged in the front end.  Can't imagine why it
was totaled by insurance.  ANYWAY, the price is reasonable, they will let me
pull all of the necessary parts from the car as part of the sale price and I
was thinking about dropping it in my Caddy.  Here is the question.  I know
that the engine has mounting holes that would fit an A2 chassis but does
anyone know if if has the holes on the timing belt side that would allow the
connection of the A1 style passenger side mount?  Also I sold my Passat
manual so I can't look this up but would someone let me know if the
injectors on the 1Y screw in like the older 1.9 IDI or are they like the AHU
and ALH TDIs and clamp in.  Thanks for the info.  Hayden

-- Visit my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
    2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI, Upsolute Powerbox
    98 Jetta TDI Wetterauer chipset, Dual Fuel Propane system
    98 Jetta TDI, Speed Tuning Chipset (daughter's car)
    87 Scirocco 16v (son's car, gas :^P)
    81 VW Rabbit Pickup (Caddy, Diesel of course, awaiting
    a TD engine transplant)
    And many, many water cooled and aircooled
    VW cars now departed or sold.

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