[Vwdiesel] Re: vwdiesel digest, Vol 1 #444 - 17 msgs

Adrian Snare amsnare at suscom.net
Sun Feb 16 18:33:41 EST 2003

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   I have the same problem, Brad,, with my old black rusty '81 Diesel caddy=
. I was thinking that if the heater core were leaking, that during the defr=
ost cycle, steam would be blown on the windshield.. This is not my case,but=
 the the smell of anti-freeze is a PITA.
   I am using a 5/8" rather than the correct 15 mm hose, this may be a prob=
lem. This spring, I will drill a hole in the expansion tank and install a S=
chraider valve. Then I can pressureize the system and know exactly were any=
 leak is.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 12:00 PM
  Subject: vwdiesel digest, Vol 1 #444 - 17 msgs

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  Today's Topics:

     1. Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion? (Brett)
     2. RE: Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion? (Mary Beth and Chris Geiser)
     3. Exstreme cold starting of Rabbits. (H .Hagar)
     4. Re: Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion? (Harmon Seaver)
     5. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (Lee Hillsgrove)
     6. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (Lee Hillsgrove)
     7. C rated oil (Leslie Ahern)
     8. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (Drew MacPherson)
     9. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (Drew MacPherson)
    10. Re: No Start and buzz in left side of dash (Lee Hillsgrove)
    11. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (nwall at opei.org)
    12. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (Jim Arnott)
    13. Re: Oil Light/Buzzer (nwall at opei.org)
    14. Re: Oil Light/Buzzer (Tyson Cragg)
    15. Re: Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd. (Lee Hillsgrove)
    16. winter fronts (Drew MacPherson)
    17. leaking heater? (Bradley Flubacher)


  Message: 1
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:06:50 -0500
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  From: Brett <dslfan at gwi.net>
  Cc: Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [Vwdiesel] Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion?


  Since my '89 Jetta's engine is fairly worn out and doesn't like starting =
  0 degree farenheit weather, I will most likely need to replace it with a
  new engine before next winter. I have been looking around for prices of
  engines, searching through old mailing list messages and found that a
  complete 1.9 TD would be about $3200 or so.

  I want the utility of a hatchback, since the Jetta isn't too good at
  hauling couches, etc. So that makes me think of buying a Golf TDI, but I
  don't like the price and the complexity of all the electronics associated
  with recent TDIs. So, to get to the point, I had a brain surge last night
  that I could buy a late A2 (1990-1992) gas Golf with a good body, and swap
  a 1.9 TD into it, and use my Jetta for any other necessary diesel parts. =
  seems like getting a turnkey 1.9 TD might be the best idea for ease of
  installation. If I bought a Golf with a 1.8 litre engine, would I be safe
  to use the gas transmission? I'd be buying a 5-speed. Also, would the fuel
  tank need to be swapped? (I'll have to get EKTA going to check part numbe=
  if I do end up doing this.) When is the last model year that diesel Golfs
  were available in the U.S. before the TDIs in 1999? I checked Carpoint and
  no diesel option showed from 1988-1992. Canada had 1.6 NA Golfs until 199=
  so I'm not too used to what was available in the U.S. since I didn't used
  to live here. I'm thinking if I do this, it'll likely be a summer project.
  The wife doesn't like the idea too much (she asked why I have to keep
  buying sh*tpiece cars). But I'm not too concerned about that, I just want=
  simple turbodiesel Golf. :)


  Message: 2
  From: "Mary Beth and Chris Geiser" <geiser at execpc.com>
  To: "'Brett'" <dslfan at gwi.net>, <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Cc: <Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com>
  Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion?
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 07:49:05 -0600

  I know they had N/A diesel Golfs in '85 and possibly '86.  I think that
  was it in the US.  You need to check closely the emissions laws where
  you are to avoid an unseen problem switching from gas to diesel.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com] On
  Behalf Of Brett
  Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 7:07 AM
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Cc: Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [Vwdiesel] Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion?


  Since my '89 Jetta's engine is fairly worn out and doesn't like starting
  0 degree farenheit weather, I will most likely need to replace it with a
  new engine before next winter. I have been looking around for prices of
  engines, searching through old mailing list messages and found that a
  complete 1.9 TD would be about $3200 or so.

  I want the utility of a hatchback, since the Jetta isn't too good at
  hauling couches, etc. So that makes me think of buying a Golf TDI, but I
  don't like the price and the complexity of all the electronics
  with recent TDIs. So, to get to the point, I had a brain surge last
  that I could buy a late A2 (1990-1992) gas Golf with a good body, and
  a 1.9 TD into it, and use my Jetta for any other necessary diesel parts.
  seems like getting a turnkey 1.9 TD might be the best idea for ease of
  installation. If I bought a Golf with a 1.8 litre engine, would I be
  to use the gas transmission? I'd be buying a 5-speed. Also, would the
  tank need to be swapped? (I'll have to get EKTA going to check part
  if I do end up doing this.) When is the last model year that diesel
  were available in the U.S. before the TDIs in 1999? I checked Carpoint
  no diesel option showed from 1988-1992. Canada had 1.6 NA Golfs until
  so I'm not too used to what was available in the U.S. since I didn't
  to live here. I'm thinking if I do this, it'll likely be a summer
  The wife doesn't like the idea too much (she asked why I have to keep
  buying sh*tpiece cars). But I'm not too concerned about that, I just
  want a
  simple turbodiesel Golf. :)

  vwdiesel mailing list
  vwdiesel at vwfans.com


  Message: 3
  From: "H .Hagar" <h_hagar at prcn.org>
  To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 06:08:55 -0800
  Subject: [Vwdiesel] Exstreme cold starting of Rabbits.

  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Yesterday I did the old stick in the freezer test on 15W40 and some other=
  CONCLUSION?:    Hagar would use    0 W 30 to get through the winter .    =


  Message: 4
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:33:14 -0600
  From: Harmon Seaver <hseaver at cybershamanix.com>
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Gas Golf -> 1.9 TD conversion?

     The problem I see is that it's fairly hard to find 1.9TD engines now, =
  you're talking about buying a rebuilt one. I've been looking for one for =
my '82
  diesel westy, and have concluded that it's actually cheaper to find a TDI=
 in a
  junkyard than the 1.9TD. Unless you just luck out in a local yard. Check =
  prices on www.car-part.com

  Harmon Seaver


  Message: 5
  From: "Lee Hillsgrove" <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>
  To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 09:47:07 -0500

  ><<<And why do some cars have left hand threads on wheelstuds ?
  >  I always assumed it was because they suspected the rotation of the
  >wheel would loosen the lug nuts, which it appears it never really did.>>>
  >I've seen it on some Dodge products. Any others?

    Older Jeeps had backwards lug nuts, too.

   I'm not certain, but I seem to remember dealing with some vehicle that h=
  left-hand (or "anticlockwise" for our British readers) lug bolts. Not lug
  nuts, lug bolts, like our VWs. I wonder if it was one of my dad's aircool=



  Message: 6
  From: "Lee Hillsgrove" <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>
  To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 09:49:42 -0500

  >  Heck, just make both lobes the same, run the exhaust out the intake
  >as well as the exhaust, put some ports into the cylinder, swap a crank
  >gear on the pump and make it a 2-stroke!  :)

   Ahh, the oft-discussed but never built "Deutchland Diesel"!  :-))

   You've GOT to make one of those, Loren. I want to see pictures and hear
  sound files.  :-))



  Message: 7
  From: "Leslie Ahern" <leslieahern at hotmail.com>
  To: LBaird119 at aol.com, vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 09:56:04 -0500
  Subject: [Vwdiesel] C rated oil


  Yes, there is a diesel rated oil that is 10w40.  It's made by Valvoline a=
  its semi-synthetic.  :)


  STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


  Message: 8
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 09:57:39 -0500 (EST)
  From: Drew MacPherson <drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>
  To: Lee Hillsgrove <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>
  Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.

  A couple of our old hay racks were hand made affairs with home-made
  running gear based on chrysler parts (likely fifties vintage.)

  They were left hand thread lug bolts on the left side.  After having
  changed so damn many 5 bolt chyrsler tires on those wagons, I still want
  to turn bolts the wrong way when I'm on the driver's side... :)


  On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Lee Hillsgrove wrote:
  >  I'm not certain, but I seem to remember dealing with some vehicle that=
  > left-hand (or "anticlockwise" for our British readers) lug bolts. Not l=
  > nuts, lug bolts, like our VWs. I wonder if it was one of my dad's airco=
  > rigs?
  >   Lee
  >   Oo-v-oO
  >   PP-ASEL
  >   KB1GNI
  > _______________________________________________
  > vwdiesel mailing list
  > vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel


  Message: 9
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 09:59:18 -0500 (EST)
  From: Drew MacPherson <drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.

  And would it be nicknamed a "Screamin' Viktor?"

  On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Lee Hillsgrove wrote:
  >  Ahh, the oft-discussed but never built "Deutchland Diesel"!  :-))
  >  You've GOT to make one of those, Loren. I want to see pictures and hear
  > sound files.  :-))
  >   Lee
  >   Oo-v-oO
  >   PP-ASEL
  >   KB1GNI
  > _______________________________________________
  > vwdiesel mailing list
  > vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel


  Message: 10
  From: "Lee Hillsgrove" <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>
  To: <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] No Start and buzz in left side of dash
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:07:22 -0500

  >Today I went out to start our 98 Jetta TDI.  All dash lights came on, but
  >once the glow plug light went out I turned the key and got a terrible
  >rattle/buzzing in theleft front dash and no start!  Tried a few times wi=
  >the same result.  I'm hoping this is just a weak battery (the original a=
  >the car has 87K miles).
  >So - does anyone have any idea (good news or bad) what I'm dealing with

    Well, if it's the original battery, it's due for replacement.

   First thing to do is get a voltmeter on the battery and see what the
  voltage is. Post what you get and we'll go from there.

   Will it start if you use jumper cables to a battery in another car?


  Message: 11
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:08:05 -0500
  From: nwall at opei.org
  To: Lee Hillsgrove <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>
  Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.

  As I recall, wheel bearing lock nuts used on the RIGHT front axle spindle=
  VW Beetles (and Type IIIs) were left-hand threaded.


  Quoting Lee Hillsgrove <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>:

  > ><<<And why do some cars have left hand threads on wheelstuds ?
  > >
  > >  I always assumed it was because they suspected the rotation of the
  > >wheel would loosen the lug nuts, which it appears it never really did.=
  > >
  > >I've seen it on some Dodge products. Any others?
  > >
  >   Older Jeeps had backwards lug nuts, too.
  >  I'm not certain, but I seem to remember dealing with some vehicle that=
  > left-hand (or "anticlockwise" for our British readers) lug bolts. Not l=
  > nuts, lug bolts, like our VWs. I wonder if it was one of my dad's airco=
  > rigs?
  >   Lee
  >   Oo-v-oO
  >   PP-ASEL
  >   KB1GNI
  > _______________________________________________
  > vwdiesel mailing list
  > vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel


  Message: 12
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 07:28:22 -0800
  From: Jim Arnott <jrasite at eoni.com>
  Reply-To: jrasite at eoni.com
  Organization: http://WetWesties.org
  To: dennis pantazis <dennis at pantazis.org>
  Cc: LBaird119 at aol.com, vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.

  And he filled the roll cage with fuel.  It's in his (auto?)biography.

  And one of this season's racers got moved from the front row to starting
  30th because his carburator was too small.


  dennis pantazis wrote:
  > i remember being told that smokey yunick ran straight 8 packard with an
  > engine that ran 'backwards' until it got figured out and written into t=
  > stock car rules. complete custom re-engineering of cam. i think that th=
  > also flipped the axle over too. the whole angular momentum vector point=
  > in the proper direction thing to help cornering.
  > anyone know if this is a wives tale or truth? maybe some of the long ha=
  > may remember it?
  > dennis
  > _______________________________________________
  > vwdiesel mailing list
  > vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel
  > .


  Message: 13
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:32:48 -0500
  From: nwall at opei.org
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Oil Light/Buzzer

  <<<<Then why do 95% of semi trucks use cardboard, or some sort of bra to
  block cold air from getting to the engine bay in cold weather? The
  devices they use usually have different sized flaps that they can open
  and close to regulate the amount of air reaching the engine bay.>>>>>>

  Here's a piece of trivia: The name of these devices are winterfronts. I
  learned that when I worked at the Maintenance Council of the American Tru=



  Message: 14
  From: "Tyson Cragg" <jetta at golden.net>
  To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Oil Light/Buzzer
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:55:34 -0500

  We run winter fronts on all of our 292 UPS trucks.  Without them, the
  "heaters" are all but useless.  The 4.3L trucks can't employ the winter
  fronts, since the engine oil cooler needs a flow of air over it.  The 292s
  don't have the oil cooler.  Our fronts are brown (what else?) vinyl and
  attach with fabric snaps to the opening over the rad.  There is a zipper
  that you can unzip to allow for more airflow if the engine begins to

  Tyson K. Cragg
  1985 Jetta Diesel
  1996 Passat TDI Wagon
  2002 Cabrio GLX
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: <nwall at opei.org>
  To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Oil Light/Buzzer

  > <<<<Then why do 95% of semi trucks use cardboard, or some sort of bra to
  > block cold air from getting to the engine bay in cold weather? The
  > devices they use usually have different sized flaps that they can open
  > and close to regulate the amount of air reaching the engine bay.>>>>>>
  > Here's a piece of trivia: The name of these devices are winterfronts. I
  > learned that when I worked at the Maintenance Council of the American
  > Associations.
  > --Nate
  > _______________________________________________
  > vwdiesel mailing list
  > vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel


  Message: 15
  From: "Lee Hillsgrove" <hillsgrove at adelphia.net>
  To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
  Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit brain teaser for Mark Shepherd.
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 11:02:39 -0500

  >> complete custom re-engineering of cam. i think that they
  >>  also flipped the axle over too. the whole angular momentum vector
  >>  in the proper direction thing to help cornering.
  >>  anyone know if this is a wives tale or truth? maybe some of the long
  >>  may remember it?

   Mention of it here:




  Message: 16
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 11:18:35 -0500 (EST)
  From: Drew MacPherson <drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>
  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: [Vwdiesel] winter fronts

  VW sold winter fronts for their A1 and A2 cars as Autobahn accessories.

  The idea of blocking airflow through the rad has been around for a long
  time - farm and construction equipment utilized mechanically controlled
  louvres (or shutters) in front of the rad to help keep engines in the
  optimal operating range.  These shutters were standard equipment on many
  engines equipped to burn kerosense, and early diesels as well.



  Message: 17
  Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 11:22:14 -0500
  From: Bradley Flubacher <flub at adelphia.net>
  To: Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com, vwdiesel at vwfans.com
  Subject: [Vwdiesel] leaking heater?

  In the new-to-me '82 diesel pickup, I see coolant puddles in the
  driver's compartment. There's a plastic organizer directly underneath
  the heater, and it has a puddle. Someone removed the carpeting, so
  there's a a bit of coolant on the driver's floor as well.  I'm thinking
  this is probably a leaking heater core. Once things warm up a bit I'll
  take a closer look. Does anyone have any other suggestions as to where I
  should look?



  vwdiesel mailing list
  vwdiesel at vwfans.com

  End of vwdiesel Digest

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