[Vwdiesel] crawlers was winter fronts

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Feb 17 23:35:08 EST 2003

> BTW, here's a really neat looking OC-4, never
>  seen a setup like this, but it looks slick.

  That's a bit smaller than the Lamborghini on Dad's orchard.  It's kind of
like driving an old, stubborn horse.  Two brakes, two steering clutches
on levers and a main clutch lever, then a PTO, Hi/Low and 4 speed/reverse
shift lever, and an e-brake.  Lot's of levers plus the throttle.  Fun to
though.  Only problem is the blade's about the right size for a D4.  Too
wide, tall, and heavy for the weight, power and clutch in it.  They picked
up a Hesston with a steering joy stick and lots of hydraulic levers.
Considerably heavier but not all that much bigger.  I think it's a Fiat
in that one.  It has the exact same blade only in a 6 way format.  Still too
big but not quite so obvious.  Kind of fun telling people we have a diesel
Lamborghini!  ;-)

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