[Vwdiesel] crawlers was winter fronts

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 17 23:09:58 EST 2003

>     I think a Cat D4 is a good bit bigger than an Oliver OC-4,
> isn't it? Plus

Yeah, but the older stuff isn't THAT much more powerful.  You gotta go newer
to get any horses.  Old 4's are pretty small, sort of in the ballpark of
what you are looking for.  That, or find a cat 40.\


Not mine etc, just some pics to look at, but if that cat 77 grader wasn't in
Oregon, I would definitely have a look at it.

> http://www.cletrac.org/media/pictures/OC4pics/OC-4_pg10.jpg

Cool! ski slope model, good reason to go skiing to scout these out... even
better reason to go tree skiing.

>    That's for sure. Not to mention the fun of losing a track in a
> mudhole. I
> slid off a culvert once with one of my TD-9's and ended up in a beaver
> pond. Took me over a week to get it out since there wasn't anything even
> remotely close enough to hook the winch to. I should have just
> paid somebody to
> haul another machine out there and pull it out.

Oh man, I know of what you speak.  Lost a track on a D8 after dropping into
an old mineshaft in permafrost.  That was beyond sucked.  Neighbor walked
his over (2 miles)  and we winched it out to get the track back on.   I
really like the six, it doesn't lose tracks as easily, and can really push a
blade full, and operates on a tiny fraction of an 8's fuel.

> worked one Summer harvesting sphagnum moss in a swamp. We had an
> Oliver OC-3
> with oak 2X4's about 2' long bolted onto each track pad to extend the
> floatation.

That must have really looked odd, but hey, it didn't sink either.  Lots of
that kind of thing way up north too running on muskeg swamps, but factory
tracks two and three feet wide.  They look weird, yeah. Friend has a high
horse D6B with swamp pads- they are 32 or 36", really looks odd.

> seems to like most cats pretty well. And the other dog likes cats
> so much he's
> always slobbering them all up.

Here, they would lose ears from freezing :-)

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