[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 9 from Hagar. ( whats in a name ??? )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Feb 19 09:17:55 EST 2003

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I love my 1980 Rabbit deluxe 4 door made in Germany. " Bunny Blue". This Ha=
gar is 70+ so he has driven cars from Ford model T  to what not. Most outst=
anding design so far ? The Rabbit diesel.  ??? Economy and performance.
 Does anyone know where the name RABBIT came from ??. And now GOLF? the nam=
e does not do a thing for me. good gracious me ---LOL.  The dealer I asked =
know jack all about Beetles, Rabbits or anything else.Just wants me to buy =
a 30000 dollar canadian Golf.

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