[Vwdiesel] My diesel won't squirt. # 2 from Hagar.

Drew MacPherson drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca
Thu Feb 20 11:18:46 EST 2003

My preferred method of re-priming a pump after an R&R or filter change is
to put a hand vacuum pump on the return line at the filter, and operate
the pump until the bulk of the air is out of the system.  If you've
replaced a filter it can take a bit of pumping to get it all out.  When
reinstalling the return line on the filter, I put a line clamp on the
rubber feed line before disconnecting the pump.  This prevents fuel from
draining back when you remove the vacuum from the return line.  A2 diesels
have check valves in the lines to help prevent this drainback, but they
are not present in stock A1 fuel systems.

Pouring fuel directly into the pump is asking for dirt or other
contaminants to enter the system, and I avoid this at all cost.  The
restrictor holes in the return line banjo are very small, and if they get
clogged the excess residual pressure in the pump can cause idle problems
and leaking seals.

Of course my Scirocco TD has the advantage of an in tank transfer pump (a
holdover from the CIS fuel system that was in the car before the swap.)
Although the electrical circuit has been removed at the relay plate, it's
easy enough to power it in short bursts to clear the air out of the fuel


On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, H .Hagar wrote:

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> Playing (with)the Banjo ? .Yes Virginia I agree it is confusing. The one to ply with is the one on TOP sometimes marked "OUT". The one with the injector drainlines .Make sure the PUMP is full to the brim.A dish detergent bottle works like a charm, it has a valve .750 ml is the one I use. That will get the squirter going.   have fun      Hagar.
> --
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