[Vwdiesel] Whats in the name " RABBIT? ".

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Feb 21 06:53:33 EST 2003

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Thank you fellas -- for me that Vol 1 # 454 was one happy read. My first fe=
w dates with a 1980 Rabbit diesel was not all hugs and kisses.--but now ? 5=
 years later ? Hagar is totally won over.  1980 VW Rabbit diesel 1.5L NA  4=
 on the floor (five is better)  4 doors, born in Germany is my new LOVE.
The Olds is parked ,the Landrovers(2) are parked . The GM pickup half ton i=
s parked   and all the others are rusting away.
So WHAT went wrong on the first few dates ?.First she ran away on me (1980 =
model) then the clutch exploded (1982 model)Then the rear wheelbearing expl=
oded taking everything with it ,yes the axle too.Then the brakes LOL had to=
 change wheelcylinder and servo.and much more.Taming the shrew fellas     d=
id it with some help.can't wait for the for the open road LOL with "BUNNY B=
LUE".    what a gal.       Hagar.

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