[Vwdiesel] stuck brakes?

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sat Feb 22 21:13:45 EST 2003

Holly wrote:
>     I am looking at a used  2 door VW diese that I saw in the paper.  The guy said he is no mechanic and he quit driving it a year ago as they had a second baby and they had a tough time getting the baby in the car seat.  So he said he has started it up monthly but the last time a month ago he attempted to move it and it wouldn't move.   He said a mechanic friend told him the brakes are probably froze up to the rotor and they just need to be whacked with a hammer to free them up. The car is up here in Michigan and he said it has been covered in snow most of the winter.  What do you guys think.  He said it drove great before he took it off of the road, the engine runs and idles great.

I've had a rear drum brake shoe rust to the drum before.  It was raining at the time and the wet street didn't have the traction
to pull the drum loose.  Had to remove the wheel and used a rubber mallet to pop the drum loose.


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