[Vwdiesel] Tuareg

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sun Feb 23 17:28:50 EST 2003

    >>A big part of the problem is we tend to believe what we read or hear
the media.<<

    And a big part of that problem is that we either rely on tv-radio blurbs
as legitimate news and misapprehend what's said because we're doing three
other things at the same time, lack the capacity to read anything critically
or skeptically, and can't be bothered to chase down original sources on
complex stories.  Additionally, there's a disturbing tendency to ascribe to
"The Media" a rumor passed along as gospel by someone's cousin's
brother-in-law, "who heard it on the news."
    That being said, the caliber of news reporting in the States is abysmal.
TV and radio news have become crude extensions of championship wrestling
whoring to foreign corporate moguls like Rupert Murdoch and too many
newspapers, like the Washington Times, are owned by Rev. Moon.
    Scott Kair

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