[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Batteries ( energizers LOL )

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Feb 28 07:45:34 EST 2003

"H .Hagar" wrote:
> 1880 and 1982 Rabbits. (only two I have had my hands on) On a healthy rabbit the biggest drain on the battery on starting is NOT the starter -- it is the glowplugs. Think POWER not amps.On an old rabbit with a not so healthy battery   First the glowplugs takes the battery down so little is left for cranking.NO start .       Pay lots of attention to battery --get a good one.Traditionally lead acid batteries  last only a few years.Terminals sandpaper and Vaseline at first sign of problems like slow cranking.How fast should a Rabbit start ? My 1982 goes "BUMP" and runs.NO cranking is heard.
> Here is my reason for writing this :  Sears (simpsons?) "Diehard" with the lifetime guarantee  ---yes my "ANNABELLE" --suv has one ---since 1970. Anyone remember those ????? Sears tried to renege on the guarantee ---- Hagar won't let em.          And use only destilled water or (snow???)

I run a Optima red top in my diesel  After about 203 years use in my 4WD truck, I moved it to the VW and its still going strong
now going on 8 years.  Its a sealed (absorbed glass mat) battery and doesn't leak like the liquid filled batterys seem to want
to do.


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