[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Batteries ( energizers LOL )

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Fri Feb 28 11:21:09 EST 2003

On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 11:15:08AM -0500, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/28/2003 7:10:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> h_hagar at prcn.org writes:
> > On a healthy rabbit the biggest drain on the battery on starting is NOT the
> > starter -- it is the glowplugs. Think POWER not amps.
>   But amps is power, unless you'd rather use watts.  They're directly
> proportional within the same voltage though.  P=IE.  If I recall correctly
> the glow plugs use a 40A fuse and don't tend to blow it so they use
> less than that, and it seems like a starter uses around 70 to 80 while
> cranking.  Been too long to remember exactly.

   gotta be a lot more than that. I thought I remembered more like 200-250
amps. But at least 125amps -- 2hp = 1.5KW = 1500/12=125. But of course it would
take a bit more than that to get that 2hp due to losses in cable/starter,
etc. So probably pretty close to 200 amps.

> On an old rabbit with a
> > not so healthy battery First the glowplugs takes the battery down so little
> > is left for cranking.NO start .
>   Sure the plugs pull the "top" off of the charge, that's the reason for a
> high
> CCA battery.  You're running a 2HP starter!

Harmon Seaver

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