[Vwdiesel] Possible TDI Purchase: Feed Needback !

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Wed Jan 8 10:30:23 EST 2003

Earlier, Nate Wall wrote:
> My Experience from Mom's 2000 Jetta TDI:
> Her "check engine light" came on at about 17,000 miles. Still drives
> fine. Its still on (about 3 months later) and may stay on 'til it
> gets a timing belt at 40,000 miles (the stipulated change interval
> for it), or I get the software and reader. The dealer wanted about
> 100 to turn it off and tell her what the problem is. Since it drives
> fine, the light will stay on. I heard the IC gets gummed up and
> performance suffers and it has to be cleaned periodically.

A good source for OBD II software and an interface that understands
the earlier Bosch interface ishere.  Once you buy the interface adapter,
future software updates are included and free.  This will allow you
to read and reset service codes like you are seeing:


And speaking of good web sites ...  for any of you with later TDIs with
computer control, here's Jo Hoppen's site.  He is the US distributor
of MTM products:


    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
  http://www.elektro.com/~audi     photos & technical info

  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features
  97 Dodge Ram   -  35 PSI, 4x4 w/Cummins turbo diesel

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