[Vwdiesel] Those anti-SUV ads

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Jan 12 17:15:11 EST 2003

> I think she means quantity not content.  Apparently all the
>  new/upgraded/innovated domestic vehicles this year were SUV related.
>  Not one car.

  I'd have to agree that IS lame!

>    I also have a hard time
>  dealing with the loop hole on SUV emissions.  They are not low usage
>  trucks.

  I agree.  The problem is that in the fervor to close the loophole, I'm
that we'll loose what the "loophole" was intended for.  Protect the cost
effectiveness of driving a truck for those who have no choice.  When the
government tries to appease an interest or activist group there's a tendency
to either just do lip service or throw out the baby with the bathwater, tub,
bathroom attendant...even just demolish the place and start over!
>  Like in Europe.. I think vans and wagons are safer more environmentally
>  friendly answers.  I have a Passat TDI wagon and two kids in car seats.

  It used to be more that way here until people suddenly thought they had
to have an SUV like their friends or neighbors.  My nephew was all set to
buy a new Passat.  No diesel but at least a roomy Passat.  His wife wanted
an SUV because all her friends who were also recent Moms had told her
how wonderful they were and so on.  For height of putting a kid in a car
seat it would be a LITTLE nicer.  He gave in and did the SUV but NEXT
time it's HIS choice on car!

>  Right!  It is silly.  I don't understand why these people are pushing
>  hybrids.  I feel the average US consumer will need 5-6 years before
>  they will even consider a hybrid.  Especially in a larger
>  car/van/truck.  Hybrids are also not condusive to all driving
>  scenarios.  They are more effective for the short distance city driver
>  than the commuter who does highway driving.  It is too new.  A much
>  more sensible path would be to push better mileage and
>  ....what......Diesel technology.  I think diesels will be the only
>  option that will satisfy the consumers current "need for speed", lower
>  Green House emissions, and increase mileage.

  I don't see a problem with a hybrid in itself.  Nothing wrong with
gas or diesel power with electrical and having a generator that can run on
deceleration or cruising to replenish the battery.  Of course a diesel is the
most efficient of that.  Electrics are what don't really make a lot of sense
for many areas of the country.  Heavy batteries, long distances and the
issue that driving a high mpg car produces less emissions than the power
plant that's recharging the electric car!

>  Sorry, a few animals and a select group of trees are a little different
>  than the earth's atmosphere and all who rely on it.
>  Andy Miller

  Here lies my "problem"  I have this silly notion that the Earth is MUCH
more powerful and resilient than us humans.  Sure we can damage alter
or even greatly alter a local environment but to "destroy" one takes
something on the order of a nuclear blast.  It's still "local" not global.
Volcanos have been belching poisonous gasses and "ozone destroying"
gasses in much huger ;-) quantities than we could dream of emitting, for
eons yet the Earth still exists and is able to sustain life.  The global
environment has always been in a constant state of change.  I find it a
little arrogant to think we are now the ones responsible for this.  Nothing
wrong with being good stewards but the Earth is capable of converting
awfully huge amounts of CO2, etc.  Put out more CO2 and more heat, and
you get more plant life to convert it back.  Equilibrium.

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