[Vwdiesel] Flashing alternator light and windshield washer
Bill Truesdell
bhfarms at suscom-maine.net
Wed Jan 15 13:37:59 EST 2003
Nate Wall wrote:
>For the alternator, remove the external voltage regulator (2 screws on the
>back) and look at the brushes. I bet they wore too short. For about $4, you
>can get a set and solder them in. Check the condition of the copper slip
>rings they ride against for smoothness. These brushes seem to go about every
>100,000 miles, or so.
>By "Wiper arm", I take it you mean the "stalk" on the steering column, not
>the arm the blade is attached to. There is a set of contacts that "contact"
>each other as the lever is pulled back. Take a close look as you pull on it.
>You nay have to remove the steering wheel (24 MM socket, I think). No puller
>is needed, the wheel just lifts off. Remember to do it w/ it straight, so
>you install it on the same splines. You then may have to remove the wiper
>switch. If its BEHIND the turn signal switch, that has to come out first.
>You may be able to repair it.
>There may be a relay to check if that does not fix it.
>Bill Truesdell wrote:
>>1991 jetta diesel (220kmiles) - German made
>>Yesterday, temps well below freezing in the day, the alternator warning
>>light started flashing. The flashes were rapid and weak. They came on
>>suddenly and then faded, still flashing rapidly, and went out. Later in
>>the trip I turned on the windshield washer and it would not go off until
>>I shut off the ignition and moved the wiper arm around.
Fixed the washer problem. There was an accumulation of dust which did
not allow the arm to seat properly. Took it all apart and reassembled
and now fine.
But when I tried to start it for a test run, the battery was near dead.
The bearings in the alternator are suspect so I have decided to replace
it (Bosch reworked). It has been on my list of things to do for a long
time so this just makes it no longer a round tuit.
Curious why the light did not go on and stay on, or am I
misunderstanding what the light actually means. I thought it was a
charging light, but it appears if the battery is fine it will stay off.
Bill T
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