[Vwdiesel] New to list

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Jan 16 09:46:02 EST 2003

About the increase in performance..... With the EcoDiesel, you do have a turbo,
but you DO NOT have the proper injection pump for optimal power. You need a true
TD pump that has the boost enrichment device on it. It increases fuel as boost
increases. The Eco Ds lacked this. Others can chime in about increasing the boost
levels and adjusting the boost diaphrams and the full load stop screw for more
fuel and using boost and EGT guages. Yes, an IC can do wonders at increased boost
and fuel levels. Race Ware head studs are also a good investment to keep the head
gasket intact under these stressfull contitions.


AudiQuattro1205 at aol.com wrote:

>   Hello all my name is Saul and i live in Southeastern MA. I recently
> purchased a 1991 Ecodiesel. I understand that these cars are rather rare. I
> bought the car because i have a 100 mile commute so MPG was very important in
> my choice of car. It has 192,000 miles on it and seems to run very well. I
> have heard that these engines are damn near bulletproof so i did not hesitate
> in purschasing the car with all that milage on it.
>   Now i have never owned a diesel before so upkeep with this car is a whole
> new world to me. I need to replace the fuel filter and i read that filling
> the filter when changing it with ATF helps to lube the injector pump and to
> also clean the injectors and pump,is this true sounds wacky to me. Also, I
> was told it would not be a bad idea to put 2 stroke oil or even motor oil in
> my fuel when i fill up, again is this for real???
>   Is there any other maintenance issues that any of you could enlighten me
> with it would be greatly appreciated.. The other thing is this i am new to
> diesels,but i'm not new to turbo's. I have built and modified many
> turbocharged gas engines, but never a diesel. Seeing as how my car came
> equipped with a turbo the thought of modding it has crossed my mind many a
> time. I would very much like to put an intercooler on it, from what I
> understand intercooling a diesel has the same effect it has on a gas engine.
> I also wouldn't mind turning up the boost some, but the part that gets me is
> this a diesel runs by detonation which IS VERY BAD WITH A GAS ENGINE!!!  I
> have no idea how to tune a diesel engine, from what i gather you can pump all
> the air you want into a diesel it wouldn't make much difference unless you
> supply it with extra fuel. For tuning a gas engine i usually use a air/fuel
> ratio gauge and for extreme applications i use an EGT meter, but with a
> diesel i keep reading about looking at the smoke coming out of the tailpipe
> as an indicator as to how rich or lean the engine is running, is this correct
> for diesel tuning or is there a more precise  method?? I am very excited to
> be learing more about making a TD engine more powerful i enjoy learning new
> things especially anything to do with cars. So any info that any of you can
> give me would be greatly appreciated.
>   Lastly one of my VW friends was at Waterfest last year and he said that
> there were some really well done and modded TDI's running around are any of
> you on this list??
> Sorry, for the long winded post, but i just want to understand my car as
> completely as possible. Thank's in adavnce SAUL.
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