[Vwdiesel] (no subject)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jan 16 22:37:03 EST 2003

> You'll never see #1 Diesel at the fuel pump.  #1 is Kerosene and Jet fuel.
>  Winter fuel is 32 fuel with anti-gel additives in it.
  Actually one COLD winter (96?) we were traveling through Utah and I
woke up, asked where we were and when my wife told me I said I must've
REALLY been tired, I slept through filling up.  She then told me we
didn't stop for fuel.  Uh oh!  We were half way between nowhere and
nothing!  It was about -30+F.  No time at all without heat and we'd be
done for and not much traffic around midnight.  Most of the trucks were
frozen up on the side of the roads or huddled together at rest or truck
stops, to keep warm.  We slowed down to about 45mph to conserve
fuel and traveled along until we saw a "blue" sign on the interstate for
fuel.  We took the off ramp, not a light in sight and no indication to
turn right or left!  We picked a direction and a couple miles or so later
came across a station that was still open.  I couldn't believe it!  He had
80/20 or #1 straight up on tap!  A little gas, a little #1 and some #2 and
we were back on our way!
  Has anybody found a source for the Hexyl Ethyl nitrate or whatever
that was?  I tried a few places and got mostly ignored.  :P

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