[Vwdiesel] TDI power

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Sun Jan 19 11:16:51 EST 2003

>   My brother has been complaining about lack of power in his Jetta TDI,
and it
>sounds to me (from 1000 miles away) that it's got something wrong. He says
>got to keep the pedal to the metal an awful lot, isn't happy with
>car slows down on hills when cruising at 80, etc. I thought the TDI's were
>supposed to be pretty peppy -- I'd think you could cruise at 100 with no
>problem, other than tickets, I mean.
>   What are TDI owners getting for top end?

  So far I have had my '98 Jetta TDI up to ~100 mph and it was still
pulling, but a little voice inside my head told me to knock it off because
jail time was not cool.  :-((  Never had a problem with lack of power, and
even less so since chipping it. 2 1/2" SS cat-back exhaust doesn't hurt,
either.  :-))

 It does sound like there is something wrong. More details - what year, how
many miles, what kind of engine oil is he using? Is it blowing smoke? What
is the fuel consumption like? Any mods?

 There are a couple of likely problems, some very easy to fix, others not.

 Of course THE source for TDI info is Fred's discussion forum -
 Running a little slow right now due to hardware problems but it is supposed
to be back up to normal soon.


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