[Vwdiesel] Sqirrely Gensets ??? LOL----WOW.

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Fri Jan 24 09:42:35 EST 2003

I'd love to see a cost per KW-H for generating electricity w/ a genset run w/ a VW diesel. I mean total cost, to include the
generator, fuel, oil, maintenance, etc. All I know is that I took the specs from a couple portable generators and got a rough estimate
based on the fuel usage at max output. It was much more expensive than line power. I do not think you could even come close to the
power plant's efficiencies of scale.


Harmon Seaver wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 11:50:15AM -0800, Roger Brown wrote:
> > Harmon Seaver wrote:
> > >
> > >    Yes, of course, you're right and all these other people are wrong. Perhaps
> > > you'd can post some evidence (other than your own say so) that these don't
> > > work? And maybe you should call up the big windgenerator companies right away
> > > and tell them to stop building their brushless induction generators -- because
> > > they will never work.  8-)
> >
> > That will work as long as you have the induction motor hooked to the grid to supply the excitation current and then overdrive it
> > beyond its synchronous RPM.  For a 1720 RPM motor, synch would be 1800 and you would need to turn it around 1880 RPM for full
> > output.
>     Right, which is the only interest I have in doing it, to sell power to the
> utility. With the netmetering law in WI, I can get paid at retail rate for up to
> 20KWE and at 24/7 that works out to all my heat and electric free and about $15K
> a year in my pocket. Minus the cost of rebuilding one or two vw rabbit engines a
> year, that is. 8-)
> >  You don't have much control over the alternator output either, aside from the
> speed.  You need to change the rotor if
> > you want to generate power stand alone in order to make it self-exciting.
>    No, you just add some capaciters if you want a stand alone unit. And in my
> case, I'd have that circuit with the caps standing by ready to be switched to if
> the grid went down so my house would stay lit.
>    Gee, is this just deja vu, or did we not just go thru this whole same
> discussion about a month ago?
> --
> Harmon Seaver
> CyberShamanix
> http://www.cybershamanix.com
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