[Vwdiesel] How many of you froze up?

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sat Jan 25 05:48:25 EST 2003

    >>Being outside with
every bit of outdoor clothing on I owned was like walking around at -30
naked except for a breadbag. <<

    And not at all fun trying to crawl into a Caddy when the seat only goes
back to the window.  Pak boots, 5 layers of socks, and VW foot pedals aren't
a good match either.
    Since I started subscribing to the old Diesel Forum, cold related
problems have been minimal due to standardizing practices recommended by
listees. A few years ago, wife's grandmother snapped off an outside rear
door handle on the 84 Jetta at -25C, but she could break an anvil.
    My first caddy gelled the first winter I had it 10+ years ago, but I'd
let the tank get down to about 1/8 full when it got below -40C, no additive,
cheapest fuel in town, filter of unknown age- every dumb newby stunt
    A few years later, ignition switch on same froze after sitting outside
during 40 hour shift.  Pushed it inside shop overnite, dosed it with moly-di
lock lube next morning, fired right up.  Incorporated lock lubing in
pre-winter ritual after that.
    This year's boon was synthetic oil.  Starter seems to spin more freely,
an advantage itself, but oil pressure light goes out much more quickly even
when block heater isn't plugged in.  Watching one of those glow for 15-20
seconds after start-up isn't fun, either.
    Scott Kair

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