[Vwdiesel] A bit off topic, but the key is for a jetta..

dieseltdi at earthlink.net dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 25 19:40:44 EST 2003

on 1/25/03 3:45 PM, Forrest L King at forrestking at juno.com wrote:

> A new key for a hundred bucks is in line with their current pricing, not
> reasonable, but inline.  KNOW THIS, that 'new key' usually does not
> include the 200 dollar key fob (the remote control) and is only for the
> blade part of the key!  Reprogramming is just as easy as it looks in the
> owners manual.  Some guys at my vw club bought a VAG-COM (a 1551
> knock-off that ended up better than the real deal, lol ) just to program
> keys--thinking that it was required.  They later discovered many many
> more uses for the VAG-COM and different ays to program the keys.
> Forrest
Just for a point of reference, programing the alarm portion of the key does
not program the will not program the imobilizer chip.  My 2002 has an
imobilizer chip that must be programed together with all of the keys.  I do
not know if the 2000 have the imobilizer or not.  I just had my wife's key
replaced because the imobilizer chip was faulty and would only start the car
on occassion.  The dealer required all the keys, including the valet key to
program the new key.  Hayden

-- Visit my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
    2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI, Upsolute Powerbox
    98 Jetta TDI Wetterauer chipset, Dual Fuel Propane system
    98 Jetta TDI, Speed Tuning Chipset (daughter's car)
    87 Scirocco 16v (son's car, gas :^P)
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    And many, many water cooled and aircooled
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