[Vwdiesel] WV diesel smoke WOES .

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Tue Jan 28 12:30:40 EST 2003

I always thought the oil haze was secondary to poor spray and build-up on
the injectors.  "Punching it" simply gives a greater flow to the injector
causing a temporary flow increase, with poor atomization of the fuel in the
combustion chamber.

Times I see this is when on long trips, where to power is relatively constant
until climbing a hill.  Then max fuel is called for, and the smoke can be
seen out the backside.  For me, it's always happened on cars with known
older injectors.  Perhaps we're not talking the same thing.

The "smoke foggers" on demonstration aircraft are atomizers, and  rely on
temperature and flow.  BTW, they consume tremendous quantities of rather
expensive "environmentally safe" vegatable oil-like products.

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Pavao and all interested. :   Here is my puff !  LOL.
> Those of you who have seen the smoke at AIRSHOWS --NO it is not smoke !.   =
> Likewise diesels are   building up unburned fuel in the exaustpipes  --when=
>  cold." long Idling"..---As soon as you step on it that fuel is turned to "=
>  NON smoke "  FOG.If  Oil is injected into exhaust pipe on Aircraft piston =
> engine the oil is turned to steam ---what you see on the ground is an oily =
> contrail.yes I am guilty.
> So what you see coming from that tailpipe -- have fun.
> PS: NO I do not smoke grass.     Hagar
> --
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