[Vwdiesel] to bore or not to bore

Dana Morphew kadm at pugetsound.net
Wed Jan 29 05:56:18 EST 2003

Personally, I would do nothing but the best rebuild I could build.  I would not cut
corners.  Build your engine to last, and you'll be the most satisfied in the long
haul.  Do you have the Bentley and/or Haynes manual(s)?  You are handicapped if you
don't.  Of course, if you don't want your engine to serve you for 100s of thousands
of miles, don't do as I suggest.


Michael Hitchings wrote:

> I'm still rebuilding my 1.6D NA and I was given some advice and would
> like to bounce it off you.
> Background - The engine probably has 230K on it and the first time it
> came apart was in my garage. I don't know how well it ran before that
> since it came from a junk yard.
> I was advised to have the cylinders bored out once over and to get the
> next size pistons and run those. Partly to make sure there isn't a lot
> of blow-by, but also to help fix the run away problem these things have.
> Is this advice I should take to heart or finish putting it back together
> w/o redoing the bottom end?
> Any $0.02 is appreciated!!!
> Thanks,
> Mikey
> --
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