[Vwdiesel] 1984 Rabbit Diesel- taming the hothead

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sun Jul 6 16:23:07 EDT 2003

    Just caught this in re-reading your message:

    >>Scott .    Q:  did fan work     A:   did not notice.       checked it
in driveway , it is a two speed    used jumper on radiator plug -- a-ok both
speeds. Then let it idle   when temp reached red fan started.  Lab
thermometer in expansion tank showed 200 F.<<

    Something is amiss, either with your thermosensor or your dash gauge.
While I've never used a lab thermometer to check when the fan should kick
on, every VWD I've ever had turned on the fan at around the 3/4 mark.  And
200F sounds a bit low for it to be the red zone, although a good point for
the fan to kick on.
    Maybe some of the other guys would have more experience in that area, as
overheating is definitely a critical issue.
    Scott Kair

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