[Vwdiesel] 88 Jetta GL worth

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Mon Jul 14 17:55:37 EDT 2003

Nate wrote:

    >>Another thing you can do is search E-Bay for "VW Jetta
Diesel" under the advanced search function for
completed auctions to see what they sold for. I think
the prices are inflated on e-Bay, though.<<

    Ebay prices do seem to run higher for cars in exceptional condition.
I've been following ECO sales for some time and printing them off against
the possibility of someone destroying mine and the insurance company
offering "book value."
    Sale prices over the last few years seem to rise and fall with the price
of gasoline, or on uncertainty.  But that also reflects what happened in the
local market pre-Ebay.
    It depends on what you're willing to pay for; there's a trade-off
between initial purchase price and repair & maintenance. Ragged out and
wrecked cars on ebay don't seem to go for much more than they do locally.
Cream-puffs do go for more, but you have to ask yourself if those are
available in your area.
    Scott Kair

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