[Vwdiesel] One to puzzle over -- and wierd slow-down.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jul 19 07:29:36 EDT 2003

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We do learn a lot faster if something is not quite right .  And shaylans st=
ory hit me at a time of doing "major" brake and bearing work on a 1984 Rabb=
it 1.6L Turbo. The nastiest problems are things where two or more  intermit=
tent problems drive you up the wall. . After I finished the job I took her =
on a test-ride .After a few miles a strange noise developed. Turned out the=
 hand brake cable was rubbing on the wheel rim on the left side .Couple of =
tyraps later problem solved.
Question for shaylan :  When it slowed down on trip    could you make it sm=
oke on the slowdowns ???     Tue o3 june 2003 wierd slow-down.   Thu 17 jul=
y one to puzzle over.
Thats a fair bit slowboating     two 2000 mile trips  ???. I have a problem=
 connecting the dots --   is you story correct ?.    Slowing down and  MPG =
dropping ?.      Hagar.

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