Fw: [Vwdiesel] Amsoil

Gerry Wolfe gerry.wolfe at sympatico.ca
Mon Jul 21 15:44:34 EDT 2003

Oil doesn't really wear out.

It does pick up a bunch of byproducts-of-combustion that can create some
ugly acids etc. that are offset/neutralized by the additive packages.  I can
see where overdoses of additives can  counteract this to allow for longer
drain intervals, and periodic testing can identify when these neutralizers
have been used up.

With a diesel, we also have soot being added to the oil.  I suspect these
are relatively inert, but they are solids.  Unless there were a bypass
filter, or unless you changed the main filter regularly, these would
increase over time and no amount of additional additives or testing would
remove them.  They can't be good for lubrication.

For that reason, I stick with a 15w40 diesel-specific (cheal) dino oil such
as a Rotella and change regularly instead of using a more expensive synth
changed less regularly.

Over the winter, however, I treat my baby with a lighter-grade 5w40 or 0w40
(overkill for the Toronto Ontario winters) and acknowledge that synth oils
are the only ones in this range.

Just my $0.02 Cdn...
----- Original Message -----
From: <LBaird119 at aol.com>
To: <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 12:17
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Amsoil

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Amsoil does make a filter for the VW IDI.  Part number LF517.  But I
> honestly don't trust aftermarket filters.  I only use OEM filters.
>   Generally when Amsoil recommendes the long interval for oil change they
> recommend using their bypass filter.  They don't (or didn't anyway)
> the really long intervals without it.
>      Loren
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