[Vwdiesel] Rabbits, Intercoolers and Hood Scoops

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Thu Jul 24 23:35:18 EDT 2003

Loren had sent me some pics of just this arrangement.  It consisted of an
intercooler that mounted just ahead and to the passenger side of the of the
master cylinder, and to the driver's side of the valve cover and slightly
ahead.  The name on the intercooler had the name "Callaway" in the casting.
The top of the cooler had suitable skirting and ended so that it sealed to
the hood underside, with a tasteful little scoop on it resembling the ones
used on I think it was a Suzuki swift turbo.  I feel it should be larger
however, more like the arrangement found on a WRX.  This setup looks pretty
good to me, and is the arrangement I am going to eventually use on my truck
with the Corrado intercooler I bought on Ebay that is currently occupying
Loren's space.  After i finally find time to get the truck finished, The
1.9td will become a 1.9intercooledTD.  I could forward the pics to
interested parties.  Send PM entitled INTERCOOLER if you want a copy, just
so it stands out amongst all the freakin' spam I've been getting lately
(over 100/day).  And I thought rec.crafts.metalworking was bad for
generating spam...
ANyone with good ideas on how to get rid of spam beyond the use of the
delete key?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of Shalyn Shourds
> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:00 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbits, Intercoolers and Hood Scoops
> --- Michael Alexander <malexand at inreach.com> wrote:
> > --
> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > Has anyone tried using a hood scoop to get air to an
> > intercooler in a rabbit?
> >
> > Opinions: doable or waste of time and effort?
> >
> >
> > m alexander
> > --
> I will never get around to doing this--spend too much
> time just trying to keep the car running--but I have
> thought it would be cool and "relatively easy" to put
> in a NACA scoop through the hood.  Would solve the
> traditional problem of intercooler placement, and
> wouldn't be as obtrusive as one of those
> above-the-hood jobs like people seem to drool over on
> a '69 Camaro.  Plus, I believe it has significant
> aerodynamic advantages, and I'll take all the
> advantage I can get.
> However, if you love irony as much as I do, grab the
> scoop off the bottom of your nearest P-51 and strap
> that bad boy on the Rabbit hood.
> -Shalyn
> -85 Jetta TD--prepping for a new master cylinder.
> Wore out front pads.  It's a sign.
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