[Vwdiesel] Turbo Diesel Exhaust Brake?

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sat Jul 26 08:19:07 EDT 2003

Nate Wall wrote:
> Might want to check out the Jacobs web site. True Jake
> Brakes used on the heavy trucks vary the valve action
> where the exhaust valve stays CLOSED on the exhaust
> stroke, creating engine drag. The poping sound herad
> (the rapid BRRRRRRRRRRRR) is the exhaust valves
> letting compressed air out into the exhaust. A
> throttle plate would cause limited braking, about what
> a gas engine provides.

There are at least 3 types of brakes, the "Jake" brake does alter the valve timing, basically turning the engine into an air
compressor and shutting off the fuel.  Then there are exhaust brakes that close off the exhaust to raise the back pressure.
They often require extra strong exhaust valve springs to be installed to keep the back pressure from popping them open.  Then
some diesels use intake throttle plates to cause the engine to pull a vacuum under braking.


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