[Vwdiesel] Derek's spray-gun

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Wed Jul 30 14:40:17 EDT 2003

Derek's spray gun... now that's funny.  Well my patch didn't hold at all.  I
am going to try what Hagar suggested and epoxy the bolt in.  That should put
an end to the spray gun effect and maybe even get the car started.  I have
also devised a special socket that will remove the three pointed nut to
which that little bolt screws into.  I have removed that "nut" from my parts
pump to that I can see what is involved in its removal.  Not much, just
unscrew it and poof!,  its off.  Now if I can get that socket I made in
amongst the fuel lines, I'll be in business ( I did cut it down with a chop
saw )  I got a new copper gasket and I'll have a new seat.  I just hope I
don't have to remove the fuel lines, then I'll really be in deep ...

BTW, copper is the opposite of steel when it comes to annealing.  Heat and
quench will make steel harder and copper softer ...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Brown" <r.c.brown at ieee.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Derek's spray-gun

> Dana Morphew wrote:
> >
> > Won't that make it hard? Whenever I grind steel and want to retain
> > hardness (and to avoid getting "branded") I quench it in the water can.
> > Wouldn't a slow cool down, without drafts, soften the metal?
> Seems that either technique works on copper:
> http://www.evergreengardenworks.com/copperwi.htm
> http://www.ytmag.com/toolt/messages/116257.html
> Seems rate of cooling won't affect the final hardness (or softness) like
it does with steel to a big degree, cooling in liquid
> reduces the surface oxidation.
> --
>     Roger
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