[Vwdiesel] injection line questions

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Jun 3 22:37:57 EDT 2003

Anybody ever have an injection line crack and leak?  We have one D24
Volvo that has had several injector lines crack and start to leak.
 Never had anything else in our fleet do that.  Seems to keep happening
on long road trips through desolate areas where there isn't exactly a VW
Diesel shop on every streetcorner.  Previous owner of that car had had
it happen too.

Therefore, another pertinent question:  Somewhere, long ago, I remember
seeing an emergency fuel injector line repair kit.  Had some kind of
heavy-duty plastic line.  Not a long-term fix, but has to beat having a
fuel soaked hot engine in the middle of nowhere Arkansas.  We're sort of
inclined to keep something like that in the car now, but cannot remember
where we saw it.  May have been in the Parts Place catalogue, but after
my dealings with them, I threw all of the catalogues out.  I though it
was in one of Dad's Mercedes catalogues, but no dice there.  Any ideas?


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