[Vwdiesel] weird slow-down

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Jun 3 22:44:53 EDT 2003

I just finished a 2000 mile road trip in the '85 Jetta TD.  Ran fine
aside from a flat tire and one symptom I've never had.  I was driving
along in East Texas on the way back to Dallas and it was just like in
Star Trek where the alien ship releases a cloud of ionized plasma, the
Enterprise's warp bubble collapes, and they can't do better than
impulse.  I couldn't go over hills faster than 60 mph and over the flat
at more than 70.  I know they're not the fastest cars out there but.....
 Temperature was going up, too.

Did that for about 20 minutes and then it caught the draft from a
passing pickup and just took off like normal.  I did find a rear wheel
bearing that was very loose when I got back, but no other obvious
faults.  I'm going to buy a new fuel filter, but I can't think of
anything else that would dog it down like that.  Any ideas?


'85 Jetta TD
'65 190Dc Eternal project

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