[Vwdiesel] TDI-Detuned European?

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Sat Jun 14 16:02:59 EDT 2003

Just got a new Parts Place catalog (H), and saw a variety if TDI engines
offered for conversions. Catalog was a little vague about how those engines
would run on American fuel.

How would a TDI built for the European market be detuned to run on
Americanhigh sulfur/low cetane fuel?  The Parts Place is offering a variety
of TDI engines, from Europe, to be used as conversions on American cars. In
the 4 cylinder iteration they list generation 3 and generation 4 TDI's, and
also offer a 141 HP 2.5 liter TDI from the 1995-1997 run (used in Audi A6's
on the other side of the pond.

I am trying to rationalize the apparent contradictions between reasons
given for VW not offering these engines on the American market, and the
fact that a private vendor now offers them to that same market for conversions.

VW says the American fuel is inadequate for these engines, and the TDI's
that they DID offer in the USA are "detuned" for American diesel fuel.

I need to know what they did to "detune" the ones they did offer. Perhaps
the same things have to be done to those being offered by The Parts Place.
Maybe the Parts Place engines will self-destruct or fail prematurely if I
don't make some changes in them before using them in a conversion.

I am going to contact The Parts Place and ask the same questions, but I'm
interested in opinions of disinterested parties, such as yourselves.
Perhaps you have considered similar conversions and can direct me to a
thread that will be illuminating.

Doyt Echelberger
84 Rabbit D
85 Jetta TD
87 Audi 5ktq


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