[Vwdiesel] Passing emissions tests (1.6L NA)

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Jun 16 22:56:21 EDT 2003

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   I don't think they use a filter across the tailpipe.  It's more likely to
> be an
> optical device.
>   In the few places in WA that test I guess it's a "snap
> throttle" test.  They simply check for maximum particulate density during
> a quick, full throttle.  You should have no problem getting through the
> test unless some "tech" thinks it's a gasser when checking the specs.
>   A pint or so of 2 cycle oil should help a little with any smoke.  It's not
> likely your diesel is old enough to really make a problem either.  :)

I've also heard of temporarily turning in the full throttle stop screw for the test.


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