[Vwdiesel] Genset Rabbit droppings ( A rabbit makes sense)
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Mar 2 13:21:24 EST 2003
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Makes the niftiest genset pr dollar for someone Who drives a VW diesel.
Terminology ? all screwed up as everything else. -- a few samples Magnetic=
northpole is a soutpole .Current flows from negative to positive LOL . An=
d Hydro Power ????? should be Coalpower.
If you read this far you probably are interested in Gensets operation.SO yo=
u need to know a bit about the lingo.
KVA ? Kilo Volt Amp . Power factor ---Lagging or leading or UNIT=
Y=2E Try to get unity.Will explain later. Phase ? how many ? tha=
t indicates something about how many lines. A house is generally Single Pha=
se 3 wire. (N.America) 110 --neutral--110. 60 cycles.A genset on the ot=
her hand can be anything ---- 2 wire single phase ----6 phase many wires.=
It can be DC.you get the drift.So enjoy the Internet for more inf. ---sure =
is fun to tinker.(Wives hate it in general LOL)---You spend time in the sho=
p ---to get away from her.I am looking for a Diesel Annie next. Hagar.
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