[Vwdiesel] hard-starting 93 EV more
Maynard Southard
echomhs at gis.net
Mon Mar 3 23:37:33 EST 2003
Sorry I'm joining this discussion late, but maybe when you resume your
detective work you might check the following:
- Electrical - do you have 12v at the terminal on the fuel stop
solenoid (on the fuel injection pump) when your ignition is on? No
power means no fuel gets past the pump. If no power, check fuse #15
(10 amp) at the fuse/relay panel under the dash to the left of the
steering wheel. If you have power, maybe the solenoid is bad (stuck).
You might be able to remove and clean or replace it. Not sure how to
check it for proper operation.
- Timing - I think the Bentley manual says that every-other time when
you have #1 cylinder at TDC (pointer in the timing hole on the
transmission lined up with the groove on flywheel, then the fuel
injection sprocket should have its "groove" lined up with a marker on
the fuel injection pump mounting plate and the #1 cam lobes must be
pointing up. (It's a little confusing with that two-ended camshaft!)
Even if these "look" lined up, there is further adjustment using a
dial indicator to get the injection pump just right.
- Fuel - there can be several things here. Air leaking into the fuel
line before the injection pump. Clogged fuel filter. Gelled fuel
lines. Water in the fuel. You really have to systematically eliminate
things. The cold weather makes everything worse. You could get a can
of Diesel Purge, remove the banjo fitting from the top of the fuel
filter (the one going from the filter to the injection pump), and stick
it in the Diesel Purge can. Have someone crank the starter and see if
the diesel purge starts getting sucked up. If not, then the pump is
not getting anything. Re-check that stop solenoid or look for an air
leak in that fuel line (the one you have stuck in the can). If it
starts, then the problem must be filter backward.
- Air - Don't forget to check your air cleaner. Mice can build nests
real quick and a clogged air cleaner on real cold days will starve the
engine enough to keep combustion from happening.
I have the Bentley manual, if you want to look things over. Let me
know if I can help.
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 01:00:03 , Rolf Pechukas <rolf at ic.org> wrote:
> update:
> after charging and block heating still wouldn't start
> not even a sign of a catch
> turned over great, normally would be chick-vroom with that kind of
> crank
> starter strong (just rebuilt last yr) compression good (always
> cold)
> glow plugs must be mostly good (ditto)
> almost no visible exhaust now on cranking tho
> engine feels like it's just a tad "lighter" "freer" on cranking
> I do believe that on the 93 EV diesel there ARE two timing belts, one
> for
> the camshaft, one for the injector pump
> on opposite ends of the engine
> that is my understanding but it could be completely wrong
> it is a normally-aspirated 5-cyl 2.4L
> if there are two, my guess is that the inj pump's took off (that
> might
> account for easier cranking)
> maybe the shady garage only replaced the big one
> it certainly seems like there is simply no fuel getting into the
> chambers
> (or maybe the pump just up and died - is that even possible?)
> anyway, thanks for all the help, list
> 93Ev is back home after a 97 mile tow (just got in under the AAA+
> limit)
> gonna give him a rest - he's had a hard winter
> bring the good ol CRX out of the bullpen while diesel's so expensive
> and
> tend to the van at leisure
> thanks again all (this is a great list)
> Rolf
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