[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] Struts and Strut Bearings

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Mar 4 11:19:46 EST 2003

> He did put brake
>  fluid in the strut tubes before inserting the
>  cartridges. He claimed this helped to dissipate heat
>  generated from strut action. Made sense, but I'd use
>  oil, since brake fluid absorbs water.

  Yeah. So does everybody else!  Likely the reason he used brake fluid is
it would cause the assembly to rust, which isn't covered by their warranty!
Also and easy to dispose of used brake fluid (hazardous waste?)  They
come with oil and anybody that does add anything uses oil.  Of course
the original oil is because the tube is the actual strut tube, no insert.
  It's just like Gary said.  Pretty darn easy.  We had the pneumatic
compressor at VW and it was sure handy.  I've done many more than
there though, with the clip and screw type that I borrowed (and never
really returned?)  from my brother in law.  With a little tranny lube on
the contact surfaces of the washer and nut and the impact wrench,
it's almost as fast as the pneumatic piston type.  :)  An alignment
isn't as likely to be needed since they don't use the eccentric bolts
on the A2 like on the A1.  Of course you can put them in for better
alignment adjustment.  :)

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