[Vwdiesel] rust question

dominique cormann dcormannml at rogers.com
Wed Mar 5 01:45:47 EST 2003

I have also used it with success. My only problem with it, is that you
really have to use the stuff up quickly. I have had no luck with storing
whatever I have left. It turns to a solid in the small jars that I would
store the leftover.

On the car though it does the same, turns to a rock hard finish. Works

On 05 Mar 2003 01:24:32 -0500
"Gary, Orlando" <gbangs at cfl.rr.com> wrote:

> Shalyn,
> My first experience with POR-15 was in the US Navy. We used it in the
> bilges of our ships. Wire brush off the flaky rust, paint this stuff on,
> and it turns into a black, impervious to everything coating. We then
> painted over it with ruddy-brown bilge paint. We've never had to re-do
> these areas again. This stuff is very hard to needle-gun off!
> From this experience, I've used it on my sundry collection of cars over
> the years. Most notably an old Fiat spider. The car was 50% rust. But
> this stuff held it together and made it halfway presentable.
> There are other products on the market now that work similarly. Namely
> Duro Extend, and Mar Hyde(sp?)
> -Gary, Orlando
> On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 22:11, Shalyn Shourds wrote:
> > This question is universal to my fleet:  I have a bit of a rust thing
> > going on.  I need to take care of it (got the Holstein effect going on
> > with one car).  I keep hearing miraculous things about a product called
> > POR-15.  Supposedly you scrape off the nasty rust chunks,  slap it on,
> > and paint over it with anything from acrylic to water colour and it
> > outlasts death and taxes.
> >
> > I've heard this from several sources, but the nature of those claims
> > also make it seem like it should also stop engine smoking, make the car
> > get 150 mpg, re-grow hair, and seduce beautiful women.
> >
> > Anybody use the stuff, long term?  Live up to the marketing?
> >
> > -Shalyn
> >
> >
> >
> >
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   o  |~>                                      Dominique Cormann
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