[Vwdiesel] Mail Order Long Blocks

dieseltdi at earthlink.net dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 5 18:14:32 EST 2003

on 3/5/03 5:03 PM, Harmon Seaver at hseaver at cybershamanix.com wrote:

> Hey, wives can sometimes even help with an engine rebuild in the lviing room.
> We well recall years ago not only rebuilding a '68 bus engine in the "living
> room" (which was the whole downstairs, kitchen, et all), but
> also her helping carrying it in and out.
> Just ask her -- "You want transportation or not?"
> 8-)
> Not that I can get away with that anymore. In fact I can't even keep my
> accumulation of drums, etc. for building gasifiers in the backyard anymore.
> Or use the carport for engine replacements. Sigh!
> --
> Harmon Seaver
> CyberShamanix
> http://www.cybershamanix.com
Back in my aircooled days, I had a VW guru tell me that the dishwasher was
the best place to clean an engine block.  Better even than vatting.  ANYWAY
after liberal doses of engine cleaner and the water hose outside, I waited
until the wife was gone, removed the top rack and did each half of the case
at a time.  Results were great and the wife was never the wiser.  Never did
it agian though.  Hayden

-- Visit my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
    2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI, Upsolute Powerbox
    98 Jetta TDI Wetterauer chipset, Dual Fuel Propane system
    98 Jetta TDI, Speed Tuning Chipset (daughter's car)
    87 Scirocco 16v (son's car, gas :^P)
    81 VW Rabbit Pickup (Caddy, Diesel of course, awaiting
    a TD engine transplant)
    And many, many water cooled and aircooled
    VW cars now departed or sold.

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