[Vwdiesel] VW powered Bensen Gyrocopter ??? bet your life.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Mar 5 19:23:24 EST 2003

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1600 cc dual carburetor    ----   a Diesel impossible ??? can be done right=
 now with model airplane diesels.      --Only someone right out of the loon=
iebin --with lots of brown underwear should try. Was not prepared for updra=
fts in the BC mountains----hit updraft and climbed about a 1000feet pr minu=
te with stick fully forward    (downgekommen). Saw a lot of mountain lakes =
and glaciers from up there.Harrison Lake BC hotel looked like a toy from up=
 there .(Sasquats Land).Did get down in one piece.Sure was scared.It was on=
 floats so finding a place to sit down was no problem.       Hagar.

PS: yes I prayed a lot on the way down.

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