[Vwdiesel] Need help getting parts from Germany

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Mar 9 02:15:01 EST 2003

In a message dated 3/8/2003 9:54:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org writes:

> The solution to this, is to advance the pump timing.  Advancing the pump
>  timing lets you get more fuel in (with the longer duration) and still
>  lets the burning get finished before the exhaust valve opens.

  I've seen info to the contrary.  There's a web site out there about really
cranking the power out of semi tractor's engines.  Their whole idea is
high performance, along with good economy and equal or better longevity.
Once they really start pouring the fuel to them, they RETARD the timing
to keep temps down.  Most combustion related issues in a diesel, do
about the opposite of a gas engine.
  You can also claim you're changing the timing every time you step
on the throttle.  You're injection MUCH more fuel than at idle.  The
timing advances with relation to speed and pump pressure.  I think
it's mostly dependent on internal pump pressure.  TD pumps don't
alter the timing as they move into the boost enrichment, which greatly
(relatively anyway) increases fueling.
  I'd sure not recommend cranking up the pump, certainly on a TD, EVER
without a pyrometer.  My Dasher TD had a nice gouge in one piston and
the pump was still at stock fueling, when I bought it.  It's just too easy to
overdo it without a gauge.
  Once you hit about 6psi, an intercooler is a really nice idea too.  :)
  Cheapest place I found pyrometers and probes was at www.dieselpage.com

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