[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 21 ( never say neversneeze )

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 05:43:38 EST 2003

I actually have bled VW (Bug or Type III, I think)
wheel cylinders this way on a rare occassion and it
appeared to work fine. But if the cylinder or caliper
fluid space is "empty" I doubt if you will get all the
air out. What I do is flush the hydraulic system about
every two years and that seems to be enough opening of
the bleeder screws to prevent break-offs. I've thought
about putting Anti-Sieze on all the screw threads, but
never got around to it. On an '84 Sentra the front
caliper screws refused to budge once, and I figured
any more force would break them off, so I took a
hammer and hit them dead on, like striking a nail, a
few times. This w/ WD-40 loosened up the threads

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> > Jepper just now another caliper bleedscrew
> snapped.---yieks.Has anyone bled
> > the calipers by cracking the line fitting open ???
> .(Hagar is just about to
> > try and see if it will work  .)
>   I seriously doubt it will work.  As I recall the
> entry of the line is lower
> than
> the bleed screw so you'd end up with an air pocket.
> I guess the best way
> to keep them mobile is to keep caps on them and give
> em a wiggle once
> or twice a year.  :P
>      Loren
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