[Vwdiesel] Torches

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed Mar 12 12:11:26 EST 2003

>From: Harmon Seaver <hseaver at cybershamanix.com>
>To: Vwdiesel <vwdiesel at audifans.com>

>   One thing about acetylene -- I've always wanted to get an acetylene
>generator. They used to use them in factorys a lot, a guy I knew had one up in
>MN. Pretty neat -- you just put in carbide and water. Much cheaper to own. I've
>found some made in India, they were pretty cheap, don't know how much shipping
>would be tho, from India. Seems like they're used a lot in the 3rd world. I
>think you could probably make your own, for that matter.
> Reminds me of a sign I saw once in an electrical heating firm

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  GO GAS,  GO BOOM!!  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Might aleviate their over population problem

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