[Vwdiesel] Re: vwdiesel digest, Vol 1 #503 - 12 msgs

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Wed Mar 19 21:41:34 EST 2003

On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 07:32:32PM -0600, Forrest L King wrote:
> Sorry,  Harmon, that mentality is beyond me.  I buy my fuel where ever it
> is cheapest.  If it came from North Korea I'd still buy it.

   I don't think it was I who was calling for a boycott, eh?


> I think the point you attempted to make on this list was shallow and
> hopefully just something you were repeating from TV or some other odd
> media source.


>  Think about what is required of all people throughout the
> world in order for you to have the liberties you desire.  Not shame on
> us,   Shame on YOU for being foolish enough to think that all of the
> liberties and freedoms you have came without bloodshed or the loss of
> life.

   What? Why would I think that? Thomas Jefferson said, ""From time to time, the
tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots."  It is
clearly now that time in Amerika.
   I will support the troops when they shoot their officers and come home to
clear out the snakepit in Washington.

>  Have more respect for yourself and your country, because you are
> either with us or against us.

   I wouldn't be with anyone who thinks that way no matter what the
issue. Reminds me of the old Merl Haggard songs. Which reminds me to go out and
buy some more ammo.

Harmon Seaver
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

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