[Vwdiesel] Biodiesel home heating oil in Maine

Brett dslfan at gwi.net
Fri Mar 21 07:36:47 EST 2003

Yes, Frontier Oil is at http://www.frontieroilme.com. They classify it as
"Biofuel -Fuel Oil From Soybeans" on their site. Do a search on google for
it and some more information will turn up about them. They are in China,
Maine, which is about 3 hours from here. Never been there myself, but I have
read about them recently. It definitely is possible to run BD in an oil
burner. Apparently to run straight BD as heating fuel, you would have to
make some modifications to the burner itself. But if you run it in a Bx
blend, you can apparently do it safely without modifications up to about a
50/50 mix of BD and fuel oil. Running BD will also help to keep the burner
nozzles clean, which is supposed to reduce service calls for cleaning. Much
the same as how people on the TDI forums have found that BD use cleans out
their gunked up intakes. I'll be moving into my first house in a month or
two, and will start making BD once I move. My plan is to run at least a B25
mix in the heating oil tank. It'll be in the basement, so no worries about
it gelling. :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Kair" <scott3491 at insightbb.com>
To: <Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 06:31
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Biodiesel home heating oil in Maine

>     The local early morning tv farm news report just ran a feature on
> Biodiesel home heating oil in Maine.  I didn't catch the precise location,
> but the company name was Frontier Oil Company, owned by Joel Glanz.  It
> on about the usual benefits of bio, but I hadn't considered that it could
> used for home heating oil, although the report made it clear that it was a
> blend varying between B20 and B50, depending on outside temps.
>     There seems to be some regular coverage of bio here, but this is
> country, about 80 miles from ADM's headquarters.
>     Cheers,
>     Scott Kair

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