[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Brake Caliper war -- situation report.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Mar 27 07:10:38 EST 2003

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!980 times two  1982 and a 1984. ---  total 8 calipers to rebuild.   First =
3 bleedscrews  snapped.  ---then applied the  VAL procedure ---3 are OK    =
 so two to go.   Val here is what is most important. Propane heat let cool.=
 Then a 7" vicegrip and small hammer.The blows drives the point into calipe=
r or deforms point ---that takes strain of thread.Pulling on wrench while h=
ammering works.Remember you asked me ?
For newbies --it was liquid wrench soaking heat hammer and impactwrench. Tr=
icky little job   and costly if bleeder snaps.   New caliper here is a mini=
mum of 70 dollars can.Dealer quote 214, 45 +  14.5 % Tax.
So Val Christian -- score 3 for Salt crew and 3 for Val-Hagar.
have fun  Hagar.

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