[Vwdiesel] Rabbit "High Caliper advice".

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Thu Mar 27 20:28:35 EST 2003

>I have a tube of "Brake Grease". I think its just
>hi-temp grease. When installing pads or shoes I
>lightly coat all contact points with this grease. I
>make sure the caliper retaining bolts are greased (as
>they should be) as well.

 Just a cautionary note; Don't get ANY petroleum-based products on ANY
rubber components used in the brake system, including the caliper boot. Oil
eats the rubber used in braking systems.

 Where I work, we used to mold the caliper dust boots for a variety of
applications. The flash (waste rubber) which was blown off of the molds
would accumulate on the floor near the main piston seal for the hydraulic
molding presses used to make the parts. When the flash came in contact with
oil that had leaked from the press, it turned into a thick, black paste
which would defy almost all efforts aimed at removing it from your skin.
:-))  Nasty stuff.


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