[Vwdiesel] Brakes hard to stop - not mushy - *hard*

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Tue May 6 21:26:31 EDT 2003

I should be paying more attention to all the good info, but I've deleted my

1981 vw pickup 1.6na. 187,000miles

In the last week the brake pedal has been going 1/2 way down (normal) and
then hits a hard spot (no mushiness).  I've lost a lot of my braking power,
I have to push really hard to stop.  I'm hoping it's somewhere in the vacuum

I haven't taken anything apart yet.  I probably need new shoes, but this
doesn't seem like worn shoe symptoms.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Ideas?

Will Taygan
Concrete, WA

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